Archive Posts - 2018/9

by Olga DROBNICH, landscape architect, Traditional Russian Culture Center "Preobrazhenskoye", Moscow About 140 km west of Moscow, on one of the banks of the river Inoch, there lies a scenic place, Porechye, the country estate of Count S. Uvarov, President
Точикистон Онлайн · 2193 дней(я) назад 0 2790

В рамках уникального проекта по застройке столицы Minsk World стартовала застройка новой жилой серии «Квартал Чемпионов». Расположение и инфраструктура Особенность проекта Minsk World - создание полноценной инфраструктуры для обеспечения потребностей совре
Точикистон Онлайн · 2193 дней(я) назад 0 2912

Триумф СССР над Америкой в выходе в Космос — триумф не тел. Корень его — дух Народа, прорвавший бак «красного» русского ада. Ракета Свободы. На ней воспарили мы в Высь. ____________________ Эта публикация была размещена на Либмонстре в другой стране и
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 2656

by Gennady UFIMTSEV, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), Institute of the Earth Crust, RAS SB If one goes from Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, to the south, he will soon see piedmont ridges-adyrs, which become higher and higher while moving to the Tien Shan
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3429

This unique corner of the Earth, included into the List of Natural Objects of the UNESCO World Heritage together with active volcanoes served up to now as a visiting card of Kamchatka. Thousands of Russian and foreign tourists visited it every year. It is
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3650

The 75th anniversary of academic science has been celebrated in the Far East this year. The first research institution in the region was a meteorological station founded in 1912. Today the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has six scien
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3133

In the article published in the Nauka v Sibiri newspaper devoted to a recent discovery of a rock temple made by the Novosibirsk scientists in the mountains of the Northern Khakasia, V. Larichev, Dr. Sc. (Hist.) (SB RAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnograp
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3417

The Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies (Ulan Ude, Buryatia) affiliated with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a holder of a unique collection of oriental writings that comprises dozens of thousands of manuscripts a
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3504

by Gennady UFIMTSEV, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), Institute of the Earth's Crust of the RAS Siberian Branch; Alexander SIZOV, a post-graduate of the Institute; Gennady BARYSHNIKOV, Dr. Sc. (Geography), Altai State University The residents of Altai and i
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3360

Russian aviation-its present problems and development trends-was the subject of discussion at a conference of eminent scientists and designers who met at the Department of the Energetics of Machine Engineering, Mechanics and Management Processes of the Rus
Точикистон Онлайн · 2194 дней(я) назад 0 3215
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