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by Lyubov MANKOVA, Cand. Sc. (Philol.) Each September the Sukhovo-Kobylin country estate (the village of Novoye near Yaroslavl) lying on the bank of the picturesque Sit, under the shade of age- old lime trees of a wonderful park, hosts a theatrical festiva
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by [Sergei KURDYUMOV], RAS Corresponding Member, Head of Department, RAS Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M. V. Keldysh In 2004 one of the Moscow publishing houses brought out a book called Asymptotic Mathematics and Synergetics. Its authors -
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by Yuri MARKOV, test engineer Russia's space science has been keeping its leading positions in the country's scientific complex for the last ten years too - this conclusion was made at the conference of scientists, which took place on October 2 - 4, 2004,
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By Yuri LABYNTSEV, Dr. Sc. (Philol.), leading researcher, RAS Institute of Slavonic Studies Count Nikolai Rumyantsev is a standout in more ways than one. One of those who have made Russia's history, he has done a great deal as a patron of our science. "Thi
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О программе Белорусской государственной филармонии в новом сезоне рассказывает заслуженный деятель искусств Беларуси, профессор Скороходов Владимир Павлович (известный в Беларуси кларнетист, преподаватель, общественный деятель). - Выступления филармонистов
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Ян Рафаилович Жиманов. Особенности экономического, политического и социального устройства средневекового Востока Период средневековья на Востоке был обозначен рядом новых, крайне важных для развития всего региона событий. Для большинства восточных средневе
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Точикистон Онлайн · 2187 days ago 0 4388

Событие №-51Знаковое событие небесно-информационного характера нашего времени - это появление в небе над Ростовской областью  необычного свечения в виде "огненного луча".(Россия.26.12.2017 г.)1)Ростовчане снова увидели в небе странную аномалию (фото)26.12.
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By Sergei KALYUZHNY, Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Deputy Head of the Chemical Enzymology Chair of the Chemical Department of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov Nitrogen compounds to be found in the sewage of many production units pose a serious thr
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3839

by Vylen AZATYAN, RAS Corresponding Member, Head of the Laboratory of Chain and Heterophasic Reactions, Institute for Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Technical progress spurs the use of hydrogen
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3810

By Georgy GRECHKO*, Dr. Sc. (Phys. & Math.), pilot-astronaut of the USSR In 1955, I began working as an engineer at the Experimental Design Office-1 with Sergey Korolev, and a year and a half later I was told to calculate a trajectory of guiding the
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3098
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