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Author: by Lyudmila KLIMANOVA, press secretary of the City Mayor Back in the 1880s a producers' cooperative-the Association of Mechanical Producers-bought an area to the south of Moscow called Maslova Pustosh. The site was chosen for a factory to produce
Точикистон Онлайн · 2208 days ago 0 3381

Author: by Viktor KOROTEYEV, Academician, Director of Zavaritsky Geology and Geochemistry Institute, Ural Branch of the RAS Modernization of this country's economy in the early years of Soviet government, involving large-scale industrialization and rapid
Точикистон Онлайн · 2208 days ago 0 9562

by Gennady MOROZOV, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Deputy General Director, State Research Center "All-Russia Institute of Aircraft Materials" (VIAM), Director of Test Center As different from many other areas of modern engineering, materials used in aircraft and rock
Точикистон Онлайн · 2208 days ago 0 3443

Each and everyone of us has been aware, sooner or later in life, of an urge for being left completely alone. The urge could be prompted by an unconscious desire to get to know one's own self and what one really wants in this life. For hundreds, if not thou
Точикистон Онлайн · 2209 days ago 0 3549

By Olga BAZANOVA, journalist The ZAO ExpoCenter in Moscow is one of the few exhibition complexes which year after year acquaint the public with the latest achievements of Russian and foreign science and technology. At the end of 2002 it saw the sixth expos
Точикистон Онлайн · 2209 days ago 0 3188

By Academician Vasily GLUKHIKH, Director, Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Equipment named after D.V. Yefremov (NIIEFA); Anatoly MINEEV, Vitaly MURATOV, Oleg FILATOV, Candidates of Sciences (Phys. & Math.), researchers of the same Insti
Точикистон Онлайн · 2209 days ago 0 3620

By Andrei NAZARENKO, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Program Study Center, Russian Academy of Sciences Available statistics tell us that an annual average of about 100 man-made space objects have been orbited by various countries over the last 30 years. Combined with the
Точикистон Онлайн · 2209 days ago 0 3695

by Alexander GRECHКО, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), leading researcher, GINTsVETMET Institute Humankind has scored staggering achievements in unlocking the mysteries of the world we live in. It has solved the riddles of the atom, it has built space stations, it has des
Точикистон Онлайн · 2209 days ago 0 2999

Painting this or that canvas, an artist may not identify himself and leave his signature and date. In time this creates problems for art critics and art appreciation experts. Hence come so many canvases in art galleries, museums and private collections - c
Точикистон Онлайн · 2211 days ago 0 3613

by Andrei BUDAROV, senior expert, Zelenograd Special Zone Administration, and Alexei LAVRENTYEV, correspondent of Zelenograd Segodnya newspaper This administrative district of Moscow with a population of 207 thousand is located to the north-west of the Rus
Точикистон Онлайн · 2211 days ago 0 3515
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