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The travel prose of Russian writers of the first third of the XX century is characterized by the search for genius loci - the genius of a place, that spiritualized image of a place or even a specific object that appears in the consciousness of the perceivi
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 96

"The Russian word dacha is translated into foreign languages as follows-dacha. That is, there is no translation, only transcription. This does not mean that we are so special and unique. Outside the city, people live everywhere - in villas, ranches... Our
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 98

С.Н. Носов в статье "Литература и игра", опубликованной в "Новом мире" (1992. N 2), говоря о рассказе Татьяны Толстой "Милая Шура", приходит к выводу, что автор в нем "молчит о сущности бытия" и ведет повествование лишь "на уровне светской игры, чарующей л
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 69

Rus - Russia - USSR ... In this semantic triangle, the thought of emigrants revolved, sometimes reviving the glorious past of their lost Homeland (Rus), then referring to the pre-War period and filling the heart with longing (Russia), then evoking feelings
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 66

Русский былинный именник содержит интересные сведения о жанрово-стилистических нормах русской эпической традиции. Мы предприняли попытку систематизировать именник русских былин по записям А.Ф. Гильфердинга (Гильфердинг А.Ф. Онежские былины 1871 года. СПб.,
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 62

Причиной пунктуационных ошибок иногда является неумение различать простые и сложные предложения, а также сложные союзные (сложносочиненные, сложноподчиненные) и бессоюзные предложения. Чтобы безошибочно определить, какое перед вами предложение, предлагаем
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 59

In the world of Russian philology, artificially divided into "nashi" and "wanderers" - those who, for various reasons, found themselves outside their homeland and served for many years in isolation from the national science, there are special figures who s
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 85

The history of Russian linguistics in the first half of the XIX century is almost not represented in our books and anthologies, and not everyone knows the names of the pioneers of philology of this time. Meanwhile, it was at that time that science was expe
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Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 68

M. I. Tsvetaeva, according to the researcher of her work A. A. Sahakyants, " treated her letters as if they were prose. The most important ones were usually entered first in a draft notebook, in the form of diary entries, and the further fate of these entr
Точикистон Онлайн · 57 days ago 0 91

In the story of K. Paust's "Snow", written in 1943, takes place during the war, and the landscape of pre-winter, which opens the story, is filled with hidden anxiety: "Behind the house, behind the leafless garden, there was a white birch grove. In it, from
Точикистон Онлайн · 58 days ago 0 63
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