BULYASH KHOYCHIEVNA TODAEVA (1915-2014) Author: G. TS. PYURBEEV, V. E. RADNAEV Bulyash Khoichievna Todaeva, the oldest researcher in the Department of Asian and African Languages of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, died on September 22, 2014 at the age of 100. It's a pity she didn't live to be a hundred years old in just four months. Bulyash Khoychievna was born on January 28, 1915 in the family of a poor cattle breeder Toda Khoychiev. Her mother was Bain Chankayeva. Bulyash has known the bitterness of fate since childhood: her father died in 1925 at the age of 37. But in her life of those years there were also happy moments. After graduating from Maloderbetovskaya secondary school in 1931, Bulyash worked as a secretary of the Komsomol district committee bureau, and later as a teacher at the Iki-Manlan elementary school. After completing her studies at the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute with honors in 1938, she taught at the Elista Pedagogical School and worked part-time at the Kalmyk Institute for Teacher Improvement. In 1940-another misfortune, my stepfather suddenly died. Bain was left alone with a bunch of kids in her arms. In the winter of 1944, she herself died during the deportation of Kalmyks at the age of 50. The thirst for knowledge led Bulyash to Moscow, where in March 1941 she entered the postgraduate course of the Institute of Languages and Scripts of the Peoples of the USSR. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the institute was evacuated to Kazakhstan, but she did not go, she worked at a defense plant in Moscow. Despite the hardships of wartime, Bulyash Khoychievna completed her PhD thesis on "Semantics and syntactic functions of cases in Mongolian-Oiran dialects" and successfully defended it in 1946. She became the first candidate of sciences among Kalmyks. page 216 In those years, she met a young scientist, Professor G. P. Serdyuchenko (1904-1965), with whom she later linked her life forever. Highly e ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/BULYASH-KHOYCHIEVNA-TODAEVA-1915-2014
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Точикистон Онлайн
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