The exploration of hydrocarbon deposits of Siberian region has an immense economic importance for contemporary Russia. In the first half of the 1900s it was habitual to hear reports about the achievements of scientists and subsoil prospectors discovering major oil and combustion gas fields. Now such news items are rare. And generally speaking, the sector comes up only in connection with the problems of business or foreign currency proceeds of the treasury. Does that mean that the study of Siberian subsoil is over? Of course not. Here is what Academician A. Kontorovich, Director of the RAS Siberian Branch Oil and Gas Institute, told a Science in Siberia correspondent. The most important tasks of the quest are the function of the needs of productive force development in so vast a region. Efficiency and quality of specific developments are the key criteria of success. Thus, the institute took an active part in creating the concept of new oil and gas complex formation in the territory of East Siberia and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) jointly with the RF Ministry of Power Engineering, some other academic institutions and production organizations. The concept was reviewed and approved by the government. No less painstaking was the justification of still another significant state document- the Economic Strategy of Russia Until the Year 2020. Under the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the institute completed the comprehensive evaluation of the potential of a major Pages. 17 world and Russia's richest (over 70 percent of resources) West-Siberian oil and gas basin. It processed an enormous volume of geological and geophysical information amassed in half a century. In parallel it developed a program of subsoil licensing in the territory. Addressing specific practical tasks, the Institute is also involved in theoretical research. Nearing completion is the publication of the multi-volume Stratigraphy of Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Basins of Siberia which has no peers ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн · 2181 days ago 0 3129
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
27.09.2018 (2181 days ago)
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