Vladislav Razdyakonov
"Science", "Religion" and Spiritualist Epistemology: Transformation of Classical Science at the End of the 19th Century
Vladislav Razdyakonov - Center for the Study of Religion, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia). razdyakonov.vladislav@gmail.com
Experimental spiritualism as fringe science played significant role in Europe's intellectual life of the late 19th century. Its adherents considered science and religion problematique crucial for developing the right methods of scientific research. The article consists of four parts: (1) theoretical, which overviews subject-object relations in current theory of classical/non-classical epistemology; (2) historical, which investigates the opposition of "science" and "religion" as different spheres of human experience in Modernity, and proposes a "reality principle" as the main principle of both classical epistemology and theology; (3) typological, which presents a typology of different epistemological models in Russian spiritualism based on archival materials of it's main adherents; (4) analytical, which deals with experimental spiritualism as fringe science, emerging during a paradigm shift from classical to non-classical science.
Keywords: spiritualism, spiritism, science and religion, history of science, A.N. Aksakov, N.P. Wagner, A.M. Butlerov, classical science, non-classical science.
стр. 175 Живые всегда, по необходимости - и тем больше, чем дальше мы движемся вперед во времени, - находятся под управлением мертвых. Таков основной закон человеческого порядка.
О. Конт "Катехизис позитивной религии"1
10 августа 1897 года вдова покойного академика РАН Александра Михайловича Бутлерова получила письмо от его давнего друга, будущего члена-корреспондента РАН Николая Петровича Вагнера. Н. П. Вагнер испрашивал разрешения опубликовать написанные к нему А. М. Бутлеровым письма2. Обращение было бы тривиальным, если бы не одно серьезное "но" - эти письма А. М. Бутлеров, по утвержден ...
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