V. P. NEMCHENKO Our sobkor in Ethiopia Keywords: African Union, AU Assembly, Addis Ababa, AU Executive Committee, AU Commission, Ban Ki-moon, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Robert Mugabe On January 30-31, 2015, the 24th Assembly of the African Union (AU) at the level of Heads of State and Government, the highest body of the AU, was held in Addis Ababa. The Assembly was preceded by a week-long session of numerous technical committees that prepared draft decisions and official statements of the pan-African organization. The capital of Ethiopia has now become the political center of the entire continent. The international significance of the event was underlined by the presence of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and a number of leaders of leading international organizations at the Assembly. The supreme body of the African Union, the Assembly, is responsible for: developing a general policy of the organization aimed at political and economic integration; monitoring the implementation of its resolutions and resolutions; resolving issues related to military conflicts, terrorism and emergencies; and issuing instructions to the Executive Council and the AU Commission. The summit heard a report on the results of the work of the African Union Commission for 2014, as well as considered issues that will be relevant for the pan-African organization in 2015.It was decided to declare 2015 the year of increased participation of women in politics, economic and humanitarian development. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chair of the AU Commission, noted in her report that Africa is a continent that is destined to become an important player in the international arena. "The rest of the world can take advantage of the luxury of their choice and stay where they are," she said. "Africa has neither the time nor the choice to do this."1 The Forum discussed the long-term program of the African Union - "Agenda 2063", which provides for fundamental areas of cooperation between the countries of the continent f ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/-24th-ASSEMBLY-OF-THE-AFRICAN-UNION
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
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