ANATOLY DMITRIEVICH PRYAKHINAuthor: I. E. Safonov On August 23, 2009, Anatoly Dmitrievich Pryakhin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Archeology and History of the Ancient World of Voronezh State University (hereinafter referred to as VSU), turned 70. A. D. Pryakhin was born in Yelets. After graduating from high school in the Moscow region in 1957, he entered the History and Philology Department of Voronezh State University. At the University, A.D. Pryakhin begins studying in the scientific student archaeological circle under the guidance of the Slavic archaeologist Anna Nikolaevna Moskalenko, a student of V. I. Ravdonikas. However, Anatoly Dmitrievich's participation in the late 1950s in the excavations of ancient Lubech, which were led by the akad, was fateful for him. Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov. It is no coincidence that the first scientific studies of A. D. Pryakhin were devoted to the problems of Slavic and Old Russian archeology and history. In 1961, as a student, he conducted excavations of the multi-layered Vorgol settlement of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, and Slavic-Russian time. The results of the study formed the basis of the thesis, which Anatoly Dmitrievich successfully defended the following year. In 1962-1966, A. D. Pryakhin worked as an assistant and later as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Pre-Soviet History of the USSR at VSU, together with A. N. Pryakhin. Moskalenko explores the monuments of the Romensk-Borshev culture of ancient Russian times (Borshevsky burial mound, Maloe Borshevskoe and Arkhangelsk ancient settlements, and other archaeological sites). To the greatest extent, Anatoly Dmitrievich's scientific and organizational talent was revealed when studying the Bronze Age. A.D. Pryakhin is one of the experts of the Eurasian steppe and forest-steppe bronze. In 1966, he defended his PhD thesis, which systematized materials on the Bronze Age of the Upper and Middle Don region (II-early I millennium B ... Читать далее

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