On April 12, 2006, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrated the 75th anniversary of the birth and 55th anniversary of the work of the Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Boris Dmitrievich Pak. The hero of the day was warmly congratulated by the management of the Institute, friends and colleagues, heads of public organizations of Koreans in Russia, a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation, graduates of the high school of the Polar Star collective farm from Uzbekistan and the Irkutsk Pedagogical University, where the hero of the day taught for many years. B. D. Pak was born on January 4, 1931 in Vladivostok. In connection with the deportation of Koreans from the Far East in 1937, his family was initially sent to Kazakhstan, then moved to Uzbekistan, Tashkent region. After graduating from high school here in 1950, B. D. Pak taught history at a seven-year-old school. In 1951-1956 B. D. Pak was a student of the Oriental Faculty of the Central Asian State University in Tashkent, where he began to engage in scientific activities under the guidance of famous orientalists G. L. Bondarevsky and N. A. Khalfin. After graduating from the university in 1956-1962, he worked as a history teacher and school director at the famous Polyarnaya Zvezda collective farm. Kim Byung-hwa) Sredne-Chirchik district of Tashkent region. In 1962-1965 B. D. Pak studied at the postgraduate course of the V. I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. His official and unofficial teachers here were prominent Soviet scientists: Professor A. N. Kheifets, acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR G. F. Kim, M. N. Pak, F. I. Shabshina, G. D. Tyagai and others. Communication with them contributed to the scientific growth of B. D. Pak. In 1965, he successfully defended his PhD, and in 1974 - his doctoral dissertation. B. D. Pak spent more than 30 years (1965 - 1999) working at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical In ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.kg/m/articles/view/B-D-PAK-S-ANNIVERSARIES
Точикистон Онлайн · 96 days ago 0 90
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