M. Mysl'. 1983. 319 p.
The monograph of R. A. Belousov, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Management of Socio - Economic Processes of the Autonomous Non - Governmental Organization under the Central Committee of the CPSU, is one of the few works in our historical and economic science in which the system of planned management of the USSR economy has been studied throughout the existence of Soviet power. Considering the problem in such a broad framework allowed the author to reveal the dynamics of the development of basic principles, methods and organizational forms of management. Planned management, the author emphasizes (p. 4), acts as the most important link connecting the economy and politics. At all stages of the development of Soviet society, the Communist Party was guided by democratic centralism as the most important principle for building the entire system of governing bodies of the socialist economy; the principle of combining a single state plan with commodity-money relations and economic calculation was always followed.
Based on the extensive factual material in the book, the thesis about the decisive role of the organizational factor in realizing the advantages of socialism is substantiated. R. A. Belousov not only carefully analyzes the structure of the economic apparatus, but also gives a detailed description of the cadres of Soviet economic managers. It also shows that an important method of management under socialism, which creates additional productive power and makes it possible to identify, promote and promote the best workers on an objective basis, is socialist competition.
The monograph quite correctly identifies three major stages in the development of the theory and practice of economic management. The first chronologically covers the period from the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution to the second half of the 1920s. At this time, there was an intensive process of searching for effective forms of managing the nationa ...
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