On August 1, 1939, the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSHV) opened in Moscow. This exhibition complex, replenished with new buildings every year, soon became an integral part of the capital of the USSR ,and now it is the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNH). The history of the creation of the VSHV dates back to 1923. Then, on the site of the current Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after A.M. Gorky, on the initiative of V. I. Lenin and in accordance with government decision 1, an ensemble of the All - Union Agricultural and Handicraft-Industrial Exhibition was built. "I attach great importance to the exhibition," Lenin wrote, "and I am sure that all organizations will give it their full cooperation." 2 The appearance of the All-Union Construction Exhibition in the 1930s, and then the All-Union Exhibition of Fine Arts, was a natural continuation of the exhibition practice of the first post-revolutionary years, just as VDNH, in turn, crowned the work of its predecessor. Their continuity is symbolized today by exhibit No. 1 at the stands "From the First All-Union to VDNKh" - a 20-horsepower wheeled tractor with the brand of the Putilovsky Plant, first shown in 1923.3 . The VSHV had a huge political, national economic and cultural significance. It summed up the decade at the beginning of which the peasant masses of the U.S.S.R. finally turned from small-scale individual farming to large-scale collective farm production, and was intended to play a major organizing role in the rise of agriculture and the fulfillment of the tasks of the third five-year plan .4 "This exhibition," it was noted at the XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b), " will be attended by leaders of all branches of agriculture... To obtain the right to participate in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, certain indicators are set for collective farms, MTS and state farms, as well as for certain categories of agricultural workers, with differentiation of these indicators b ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
03.02.2025 (22 days ago)
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