WHAT PREVENTS THE TWO COUNTRIES FROM REACHING A NEW LEVEL OF COOPERATION? NURHAN AL-SHEIKH Doctor of Political Science Cairo University Keywords: Russia, Egypt, bilateral relations, nuclear energy, military cooperation, fight against terrorism On November 19, 2015, Egypt and Russia signed an agreement on the construction of the first Egyptian nuclear power plant in the Dabaa region using the latest Russian technologies. This is an important step in the development of Russian-Egyptian relations on the way from partnership to strategic alliance. It is worth noting that cooperation in the field of nuclear technologies is one of the strategic directions aimed at establishing long-term partnerships. According to the statements of S. The project provides for cooperation between the two countries for a period of 100 years and includes the construction within 10-12 years of four nuclear power units with a capacity of 1,200 MW each, with a minimum service life of 80 years. Russia will provide financial support to the NPP construction project and allocate an interstate loan to Egypt for a period of 35 years.1 Thus, it will open the way to the conclusion of a contract. The signing of this agreement confirmed the independence of the Egyptian government and its desire to expand ties with Russia. It is obvious that Egyptian-Russian relations are moving towards a closer partnership, as Egyptian President Al-Sisi also stated: "Russia and Egypt have a great potential for cooperation to ensure the prosperity of two countries and two peoples... Relations between our countries are very good, and they are only developing. " 2 The leadership of the Republic of Egypt understands that strategic partners should be sought not only in the West, but that it is necessary to develop its partnership relations with other states and turn its eyes to the East, to Russia, its no less long-standing partner. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's visit to Cairo at the head of a Russian delegation of ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Tajikistan
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