Kazan University Publishing House. 1982. 151 p. (II).
The revolutionary struggle of the soldiers of the rear districts attracted the attention of researchers at all stages of the development of Soviet historiography. Some of its aspects were reflected in the pages of general works on the history of Great October, but for a long time the main form of publications on this topic remained articles, and only in the second half of the 70s several monographs appeared. A. M. Andreev considered in his book the main directions of the struggle of the soldier masses of the three front-line military districts (Petrograd, Dvinsky and Minsk) and two rear garrisons (Moscow and Kazan) 1 , traced the main processes that took place in the rear garrisons, starting from February 1917 and until the liquidation of the old army. But he did not set out to identify the specific features of the struggle of the soldiers ' masses in each of the districts, which differed significantly from each other in terms of the degree of economic development, social and national composition of the population, etc.
The first book to examine the revolutionary movement of the soldiers ' masses within a single district was I. M. Ionenko's monograph on the Kazan Military District, although it only covered the events of the peaceful period of the revolution's development. Then two works were published (by T. F. Kuzmina and L. G. Protasov) on the Moscow Military District, and in the latter the events were considered against the background of processes taking place in a larger region, and A. N. Batalov's monograph on the Omsk and Irkutsk military districts. 2 These books have already been reviewed 3 , and their overall assessment is provided by historiographical works of recent years 4 . At the same time, I would like to emphasize the significant differences in the authors ' approach to the processes under consideration. An important advantage of A. N. Batalov's book written in the historical and party spirit is th ...
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