Indra, Lakshmi, Ganesha and Kubera are the gods of Hinduism that thousands of Indians have turned to at different times, but with the same hopes. Today, when money is a concrete measure of human success, and the consumer society dictates its own rules, the celestials who give material goods are in demand more than ever. Anyone who ignores generally accepted norms faces both the condemnation of people and the disfavor of the gods. The third person on Forbes ' list of the world's richest people in 2005 is Lakshmi Mittal. The empire of this steel-making king from the Banya trading caste stretches from Trinidad to Kazakhstan. Its last acquisitions were plants in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and, finally, in 2005, the Ukrainian Kryvorizhstal. By the way, one of his first purchases on the territory of the former USSR was the famous Karaganda plant. Lakshmi Mittal is 53 years old and has no plans to retire. Perhaps one of the reasons for the success of the talented businessman, who has been living in the UK since the early 1990s, lies in his own name. His parents gave him the feminine name "Lakshmi" for two reasons. In some Indian castes, the evil eye is removed from young boys, thus "disguising" them as girls. And yet - the same name of the Hindu goddess of happiness and material prosperity. From the mercy of this sparkling four-armed beauty in gold and silver jewelry, standing on a lotus flower, depends on the increase of wealth and well-being in the family. And the famous Indian cosmetics company Lakme has three happy components in its brand at once: a divine halo, an association with continuous prosperity and a French fragrance. The fragrance was accidentally introduced by the masterpiece of the French composer Leo Delibes, who heard the name "Lakshmi " as" Lakme " and named this name created in 1883. the opera. FROM INDRA TO LAKSHMI In ancient India, they were sure that people's lives directly depend on the will of the gods, so propitiation of the celestials was the c ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
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