As part of the discussion, we publish the article by A. Saberi "Islam and human rights" and the afterword by the Candidate of Historical Sciences E. M. Rusakov "Human rights - universal heritage". The article of the Iranian researcher reflects the basic, fundamental principles on which the approach to the human rights of a significant part of Muslims - both the mass consciousness and the ideas of a part of the elite (and not only Shiites, which include the overwhelming majority of the Iranian population) - is based. In some ways, it also echoes the approaches of some representatives of other faiths, including Christian ones. A. SABERI (Iran) The topic of human rights and their basic principles has attracted attention since ancient times. In the holy book of Muslims - the Koran, as well as in the sayings of the prophets and imams, detailed explanations are given about the permissible and forbidden actions of a person. However, the question arises: are there any peculiarities in the Islamic interpretation of the very concept of "law" and why in recent decades the need for creating unified universal laws has become so acute? HUMAN NEEDS AND INTERESTS What are human rights? Human rights are a set of laws that ensures a person's existence, existence and life, or, in legal terms, meets the basic needs of a person and guarantees their provision.1 This code applies to every person, regardless of whether they belong to Western or Eastern society, whether they are black or white, Muslim or non-Muslim. If the right to exist is the main and fundamental human need, then it is natural that human rights should first of all provide for this most important need. The right to life and existence is a universal right, i.e. it belongs to absolutely everyone without exception, regardless of a person's position, belonging to any nation, tribe, or society. All people-Western, Eastern, yesterday, tomorrow, today, black, white, believers and non-believers-need the right to life. To continue ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
07.07.2023 (457 дней(я) назад)
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