Indian Diaspora in America
Currently, there are between 1.3 million and two million Indians in the United States, according to various estimates. Among them, in addition to doctors and lawyers , are teachers of exact sciences in universities and colleges, and recently in secondary schools, a large number of businessmen connected not only with high technologies, but also with more "earthly" business-trade, finance, maintenance of hotels, motels, restaurants, pharmacies, etc. In general, the Indian diaspora has managed to establish itself as a hardworking, law-abiding, prosperous, and prosperous part of American society, enjoying considerable authority among representatives of different ethnic groups and cultures. The long prayer ended. The brahmana prayed to the many Hindu gods, the sun, the moon, the planets - all those who depended on the well-being and happiness of a three-month-old girl, who was quietly snoring in her cradle. One of the most important religious ceremonies in a person's life was namkaran: naming a name. The event took place at the home of Nitai and Sudha Saha, Bengalis from a small town near Calcutta. The girl was their granddaughter. The mother of the child, like her parents, took an active part in the ritual, following the instructions of the brahmana. My father, however, was away from home on a business trip. Business is business, and it cannot be postponed. But you can not postpone the ceremony to a later date - the stars came together in the best possible way on this day. The few guests, my wife and I among them, were also not idle. The brahmana invited each person in turn to read in English a pre-prepared translation of the prayers that he said in Sanskrit. Finally, the main moment of the ceremony arrived. And then the brahmana asked in a very homely way: are there any disagreements in the family about the name? After confirming that the girl's name was agreed with all the family members, he announced it-Shreya, which means "virtuous"in Bengali. A final prayer followe ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
05.06.2024 (115 days ago)
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