V. GELBRAS Doctor of Historical Sciences Chinese migration has spread to almost every country in the world in recent years. Until recently, it was absent or not significant in Russia, Mongolia, Japan, Poland, Hungary and some other countries. Now China is entering the era (I'm not afraid to use such a strong term) of free travel of citizens abroad. Chinese tourist flows introduce many millions of people to the surrounding countries. The movement of hundreds of millions of people within the country means a massive separation from the places of residence of their ancestors, while tens of millions of people lose the greatest family value for centuries - the land plot. THE INTERNATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF CHINA'S MIGRATION BOOM However, something powerful still needs to happen, so that the mass of people will be forced to go in search of a better life outside the country. But maybe this "something" has already happened? So, we must try to find a spring that feeds the vital juices of Chinese immigrants, and once found, determine whether it can generate a rapid immigration flow that can shake neighboring countries. Immigration, being the result of individual choice, is capable of attracting such a large number of people at the Chinese scale that it will turn into a universal phenomenon that defines one of the most important features of the coming century. But maybe there is no reason for such thoughts? At least not yet. It is difficult to characterize the scale of the process that has begun: too many factors simultaneously affect a person, forcing him to make certain decisions. Some of them were mentioned above. Here it is impossible to deal with such an acute issue as the expropriation of land from the peasants. It is too complex and large-scale. Therefore, we will try to find the answer by looking at the situation from a pragmatic point of view-by analyzing the scale of unemployment. Taiwanese experts, summarizing information received from the mainland, compiled a summary ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн · 166 days ago 0 222
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Душанбе, Tajikistan
04.05.2024 (166 days ago)
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