The question of the origin of the Romanian people has two aspects: one-ethnic, the second-geographical. Both of them are closely related and equally interesting. Since we are talking about facts that took place a very long time ago, it is almost impossible to do without the help of hypotheses when studying this issue. All researchers of this question, with a few exceptions, both Romanian and foreign, were guided by clearly subjective criteria when constructing their hypotheses about the origin of Romanians. As for the statements of Romanian historians, it can be said that the older the period they study, the more strongly individual and national subjectivism appears in them; and this is quite natural, since only in later periods does an abundance of documentation appear and ways of using it for scientific purposes are improved. The degree of subjectivity also depends on where these researchers lived and worked. For example, political tendencies are more pronounced among Transylvanians than among scholars of old Romania. Especially noteworthy is the monumental work of the famous Iasi philologist Alexander Filippide "The Origin of Romanians", published 20 years ago, which can be considered the best work in this field due to the author's strictly scientific attitude in the study of this problem, where deviations of a national-subjective nature are almost inevitable. Let us briefly consider the various opinions about the ethnic and geographical origin of Romanians. For a very long time - from the old chronicler Grigore Ureche to the present day - Romanians proudly called themselves the true heirs of the Romans. The development of this theory reached its climax at the beginning of the 19th century, when the Transylvanian school launched a broad journalistic activity in the field of philology and national history. This activity was continued in the first half of the 19th century by representatives of the Latin movement. Proponents of this theory argued that t ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/ON-THE-ORIGIN-OF-THE-ROMANIAN-PEOPLE
Точикистон Онлайн · 210 days ago 0 159
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
12.06.2024 (210 days ago)
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