ORAL TRADITION IN A WRITTEN TEXT (about the book of memoirs by G. Sh. kyzy Karmysheva)
Memories are a type of historical memory that is known to selectively preserve and thereby transform historical reality. The phenomenon of historical memory has long been studied by humanitarians (especially intensively since the mid-20th century), which is reflected in numerous publications, including some generalizing works [Melnikova, 2001; Historical Memory..., 2003; Savelyeva and Poletaev, 2003-2006; Assman, 2004; Phenomenon of the Past, 2005; Riker, 2004, etc.]). Important milestones in the study of the properties of human memory were the identification of a diverse vision of the past among different peoples and the connection of this fact with two main historical types of thinking, conventionally called mythological (or "mythopoetic", "archaic", "imaginative", later - "folklore", "traditional ") and historical (or "scientific").- logical ", " modern ") [Levi-Strauss, 1994; Luria, 1974, etc.]. It is known that with the emergence and spread of writing within the first ancient states, a new, "written" culture began to develop, and the "non-written", i.e. oral cultural tradition (with the corresponding mythological thinking) that preceded it gradually faded into the background. However, it was not completely replaced, and in the following millennia both traditions coexisted, so the most important research task was to study their real relationship in different periods and in different countries. For example, historians, literary critics, and linguists who study written monuments have always noted the role of oral creativity in the formation of the written tradition among the peoples of the ancient East and medieval Europe (see, for example, [Freudenberg, 1936; Riftin, 1970; Riftin, 1979; Steblin-Kamensky, 1984; Prozorov, 1980; Gurevich, 1990; Weinberg, 1993; Grinzer, 2008; Filshtinsky, 2010, etc.]). Similar texts of modern and contemporary times, especially those related to the XIX-XX centuries., carefully collected and researched by folklorists, cultural historia ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
29.11.2024 (69 days ago)
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ORAL TRADITION IN A WRITTEN TEXT (about the book of memoirs by G. Sh. kyzy Karmysheva)

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