THE EMIRATE'S LONG-STANDING TIES WITH THE WEST "CEMENT" TODAY'S MAJOR INVESTMENT DEALS E. O. KASAEV MGIMO (U) student of the Russian Foreign Ministry Qatar Keywords:, Europe, energy, turnover, trade, investment, LNG Today, the Asian sector is definitely a priority area of Qatar's foreign economic policy. However, Doha is also trying to gain a foothold in other regional areas, including Europe. Despite the fact that due to temporary financial difficulties, the Emirate has suspended the implementation of more than half of foreign projects (mainly in the EU and the United States), leaving only those for which agreements have already been signed with foreign counterparties, in the future, we should expect growth in the Qatari treasury, as Doha's line for a significant increase in hydrocarbon exports continues. Having constantly growing revenues from the sale of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on foreign markets, the country intends to invest large financial resources in promising projects of European countries, since inside Qatar itself the investment potential is almost exhausted due to the small size of the state's territory and relatively small population. Great Britain Qatar has long maintained a high level of bilateral relations with the United Kingdom*; there is an intensive political dialogue between the two countries. Only in the first half of 2011. Prime Minister David Cameron, Minister of State for Energy David Howell, Archbishop of Canterbury R. Williams, Minister of State for Defence L. Fox, Lord Mayor of London M. Beer, Minister of Business and Enterprise M. Prisk visited Doha. In turn, the Emir of Qatar H. Al Thani in October 2010 made a state visit to the UK. On the one hand, close relations with London significantly increase the emirate's political weight in the region and compensate for its relative geopolitical weakness. On the other hand, while supporting Doha's active foreign policy and its peacekeeping efforts in Lebanon, Yemen and the Horn of Africa, t ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
30.09.2023 (373 days ago)
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