WHY WAS THE SADC JUDICIAL BODY'S LIFE SO SHORT A. E. KONEVA, Postgraduate Student of RUDN University A. M. SOLNTSEV, Candidate of Law, Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia Keywords: regional integration associations of Africa, SADC, SADC Tribunal, international courts, human rights, international law Creation and start of work in 2005 The establishment of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which comprises 15 southern African States*, was seen by the international community as a positive contribution to the rule of law. However, after only 5 years of existence, this judicial body ceased its activities by the decision of the same 15 South African States. SADC was created as a result of the transformation of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference into an international intergovernmental organization in 1992. In accordance with the SADC Founding Treaty of 1992, the main goal of the Community is to strengthen economic, political and security cooperation in the region. In particular, the Community strives to improve the economic well-being of its member countries, integrate their economies more, overcome poverty and raise the standard of living of the population. It follows from the Treaty that the protection and promotion of human rights is not a core activity for SADC. However, according to Article 4, the SADC's organizational principles include respect for human rights, democratic governance and the rule of law. It is significant that the provisions of this article were invoked by the SADC heads of State when deciding to suspend Madagascar's membership following the 2009 coup d'etat.1 This fact certainly underlines the importance of the principle of human rights protection for the Community. SADC TRIBUNAL: FIRST STEPS Along with other African integration associations, SADC has also established a judicial body, the Tribunal.2 It should be emphasized that the courts of regional associations, being institutional bodies, carry out acti ... Read more

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