The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" emphasizes:: "The victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War fully revealed the advantages of socialism, its enormous economic, socio-political and spiritual possibilities. It was the victory of the Soviet state created by the great Lenin, the most advanced social system, the socialist economic system."1 . This assessment of the military and labor feats of the Soviet people is confirmed by the entire course of events of those terrible years.
The party's wise political, economic, and military strategy naturally led to the defeat of the largest group of imperialist aggressors in history. The victory in the Great Patriotic War was a vivid and irrefutable evidence of the indisputable fact that there are no forces in the world that can stop the development of a new, progressive social system.
The victory of the Soviet people over fascism, which became an important stage in world history, had a profound political impact on the entire life of mankind in the subsequent period. It provided the necessary prerequisites for the struggle of peoples for their national and social liberation, and was a factor in strengthening the position of democratic, peace-loving forces around the world. A fundamentally significant consequence of the Victory was the emergence and further successful development of the world socialist system. The powerful wave of the national liberation movement that arose after the defeat of the German and Japanese militarists led to the creation of dozens of new states on the ruins of former colonial empires.
Speaking at a meeting in the Central Committee of the CPSU with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Gorbachev stressed: "Everything we have has two points of reference. The first began with the October Revolution, the second-after Victory Day. They can say: the war has long been the pr ...
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