Solution of equations of the galaxy gravitational field
Solution of equations of the galaxy gravitational field(Paper presented at the XX Gamow International Astronomical Conference, 9-16 August, 2020, Odessa, Ukraine.) The general solution of the equations of the gravitational field of the galaxy with an additional variable parameter is found. A typical dependence of the zonal velocity of the orbital motion of stars on the parameter b=(vc/c)2 and on the radial distance r to the center of the galaxy has the following form: V=Ve{[(b/be)n+(be/b)n]/2}-1/2= c{[2nln(r/re)]2+(c/Ve)4}-1/4, where: vc – coordinate velocity of light, re – the radius of the friable galactic nucleus, on the surface of which the linear velocity of the orbital motion of stars can take its maximum value Ve, n – additional variable parameter that determines in GR the distribution of the average mass density mainly in the friable galactic nucleus. The velocity V is close to Kepler only for n>225. At n<215, it is slightly less than Ve, even at the edge of the galaxy. The maximum allowable value of the average mass density of a substance outside the friable galactic nucleus [μ]≈V2/4πGr2 negligibly weakly depends on the parameter n in GR. If the energy-momentum tensor is formed not on the basis of external thermodynamic parameters, but on the basis of intranuclear gravithermodynamic parameters of the substance, then the dependence of the average mass of the substance on the value of the parameter n becomes very significant. The permissible value of the average mass density of matter outside the friable galactic nucleus [μ]=b[2V2c-2-(a-1)]/(1-b)aκc2r2 is determined by the value of the parameter a, which is responsible for the curvature of space. And it can be arbitrarily small. Therefore, in relativistic gravithermodynamics, in contrast to GR, there can be no shortage of baryonic mass. ABSTRACT. The general solution of the equations of the gravitational field of the galaxy with an additional variable parameter n is found. The additional variable para ... Читать далее

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Solution of equations of the galaxy gravitational field

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