Director of the Institute of Economic Forecasts of the NAS, Academician of the NAS Volodymyr Heyets answers the questions of the P&T correspondent Petro Kolomiyets Q: The GDP grew in Ukraine for more than ten percent in January-April. Your colleague, Professor Anatoliy Halchynskiy, considers that it is the onset of the real "economic miracle" in our state. Are you also that optimistic? A: I'd put it this way: there is a request for that "miracle" to happen, that is, there are many constituents that give grounds to conclude: Ukraine can, under certain internal and external circumstances, be included into the circle of countries, the experience of which in relation to the speed-up development of economy will be studied in the world. But so far it is only a request. If only we could manage it for ten more years! Q: We already have the fifth year of speed-up development. And we need another decade? But according to the world experience, on average an "economic miracle" lasts for a decade. For example Germany, Italy... A: The depression was too deep and we lost about half of industrial potential. We spun out in the period of transition. Then there was this upturn, which has been under way for the fifth year now. There aren't many countries, which can maintain such rate of development. But here we must remember, that in Ukraine there already was an "economic miracle", a negative one. I mean the dip of production volumes and hyperinflation, which reached стр. 21 all times high in the mid-90s. The world studied this our sad landslide as well. That is we need to run longer now to make the trend irreversible. Then one will be able to have a closer look at this instructive "economic miracle". Q: And what factors can bring this irreversibility closer? A: Quite a lot of them. First goes internal and external stability. For five years we did without major shocks in Ukraine, which is good. Despite a couple of scandals, the foreign climate was also favorable for us. T ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
13.12.2021 (908 days ago)
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