Historiography of the issue
From the moment of its appearance on the archaeological scene to the present, the Kostenkov-type recess tip is a shape that is defined by a wide range of characteristics that reflect the archaeological era in its specific cultural refraction. The finality of the tip shape, its striking features and repeatability in the absence of obvious standardization make researchers turn to different aspects of its morphology, depending on the scientific concept that they share.
At the first stages of studying the tips with a notch, one can see two mutually exclusive typological approaches proposed by P. P. Efimenko and M. D. Gvozdover. Thus, P. P. Efimenko defined arrowheads as the most typical tools of the Aurignacian-Solutrean era, continuing the tradition of Solutrean leaf-shaped points [1958, pp. 233-234]. The researcher essentially did not single out the Kostenok-1 tips as a special type. He saw in the "blade-tip" a pan-European category, in which the features of the progressive development of plate technology were revealed: a plate base with precise and fine adjustment-this is the essence of the Kostenkov form. Possible asymmetry of the blank was corrected by the asymmetry of the petiole. According to the researcher, the pen corrected with a thin flat retouch corresponded to its functional use in complicated labor operations. He gave the following typological characteristics of blade tips: 1) a regular or asymmetric plate that does not need to completely change its shape, of three main sizes: large-10 cm, medium-5.5 cm, small-5.5-2.5 cm; 2) has a notch forming a petiole; 3) with pointed (to varying degrees)teeth. the lower and upper ends of the tip; 4) the plate is thinned with a flat Solutrean retouch; 5) there are no signs of dimensional standardization.
The proposed features described the tool at the level of the category, for which the point and recess on a plate base were essential. Solutreyan retouching carried an "epoch-making" load. Acc ...
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