L. Nauka. 1983. 287 p.
The reviewed book, written by V. A. Ushakov, a senior researcher at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Soviet History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is one of the few monographic studies of an important stage of early American history in our historiography. Previous works by Soviet historians devoted to this period (which, by the way, were also published in the early 1980s) revealed the role of the farmers ' movement and the struggle of political parties and groups in post-revolutionary America. 1 V. A. Ushakov focused on the still unexplored or controversial issues of US history in the 1790s; the formation of the foundations of the state the structure and bureaucracy of the young republic, the agrarian problem, trade and industrial policy, the division of labor, and discussions in American society, and especially at its highest levels, on foreign policy issues.
V. A. Ushakov's research is based on a solid and thoroughly studied source base: materials of the Congress, the government and the Supreme Court of the United States, the latest publications of political figures ' papers, and other documentary publications. Almost all research on this topic is involved. The author is well acquainted with the evolution of historiographical concepts
1 See: Shiryaev B. A. Politicheskaya borba v SSHA. 1783-1801 gg. l. 1981; Shpotov B. M. Fermerskoe dvizhenie v SShA. 1780-1790-e gody. M. 1982.
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This allowed him to write some sections of the monograph in the form of a discussion or even an open polemic with bourgeois authors (these sections are read in our opinion, with the greatest interests). As a result of a comprehensive understanding and analysis of sources and research literature, V. A. Ushakov came to a number of important observations and conclusions.
When considering issues related to the formation of the federal state in the United States, the central problem of the period under study, the au ...
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