In No. 10 last year, our journal published an article by Candidate of Historical Sciences N. Anisimtsev "Japan. Is the Referendum Law a step towards revising the Constitution?", in which the author analyzes in detail the main provisions of the law and the possible consequences of its implementation. Judging by the responses received by the editorial board, the problems raised by N. ANISIMTSEV are of interest to many of our readers, and not only specialists in the Far East. In this regard, we decided to continue the exchange of views on this issue. A. KOSHKIN Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Eastern University Last May marked the 60th anniversary of the entry into force of the Constitution of Japan. There is no doubt that this fundamental document had a serious impact on the post-war economic and political development of the Japanese state. Proclaimed as one of the most important principles, the rejection of the possession of expensive armed forces made it possible to concentrate the country's resources on the development of peaceful sectors of the economy, which largely ensured the country's unprecedented high GDP growth in the 60s, bringing Japan to the level of one of the world's leading economic powers. The Constitution paved the way for the active participation of broad segments of the population in the movement for the peaceful, democratic development of their country. Largely due to the war-averse constitution, the country's prestige abroad steadily increased, and the Japanese people were respected in the world for their consistent struggle against nuclear weapons and the policy of the arms race. For many peoples of the world, the Constitution of Japan has become a model, an example to follow. It is no coincidence that during the drafting of the Pan-European Constitution, proposals were made to introduce similar anti-war provisions to the Japanese ones. However, as neoconservative tendencies intensified in the country, the desire of the country' ... Read more

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Полная версия: https://libmonster.com/m/articles/view/WHO-DOESN-T-LIKE-THE-JAPANESE-CONSTITUTION
Точикистон Онлайн · 118 дней(я) назад 0 85
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
03.06.2024 (118 дней(я) назад)
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