Yakov Karlovich Grot (1812-1893)
In the history of Russian culture of the 19th century, it is hardly possible to find a figure equivalent to J. K. Groth not only in the richness and depth of research interests and the originality of finds and discoveries, but also in the truly exceptional role that he played in the fate of Russian science. Suffice it to say that J. K. Groth was the only Russian philologist who at the end of his life held the responsible post of vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and managed to do a lot of useful things in this field, which was picked up and developed later by his followers. Even now it is impossible to speak unambiguously about the Grotto, and disputes especially about some of its ideas in the field of spelling do not subside to this day. But the personality of the scientist, his bright life full of exceptional events and meetings cannot but be a subject of interest. Studying his biography and works, we involuntarily project what he has done to date - there is so much that is relevant and up-to-date in the works of J. K. Groth for literary historians, linguists, translators, and historiographers of Russian and world science and culture. In this short essay, of course, it will not be possible to tell about all the achievements of the scientist. Our task is to refresh our memory and analyze only a few of his works and acquaint readers with the inimitable personality of a man who devoted his entire life to the service of one museum - Science. Yakov Karlovich Grot was born on December 15 (27), 1812 in a noble family. His great-grandfather was a lawyer in the residence of the duchy of Holstein-Plon, and his great-grandmother was the daughter of the court preacher Joachim Schmitten (here and further biographical data are given from sources: Groth K. Ya. Materials for the biography of Academician Yakov Karlovich Groth (1812-1893). Introductory essay. Predki, semya i detstvo [Ancestors, family and Childhood], St. Petersburg, 1912; Grot K. Ya. Materials for ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
04.08.2024 (237 days ago)
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Yakov Karlovich Grot (1812-1893)

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