СХIДНИЙ СBIT. THE WORLD OF THE ORIENT. 1998. N 1-2; 1999, N 1-2; 2000, N 2
KIIV, 2000. 237 P.; 2001. 352 P.; 2002. 196 P. (c) 2002 The magazine "Vostok (Oriens)" continues to follow the development of Oriental studies in Ukraine. Previously published was an account of a conversation with E. Pritsak held on February 22, 1991 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences about plans to create an Institute of Oriental Studies in Kiev1 , as well as a brief review of the materials of the first issue of the journal "Skhidny Svim" ("Eastern World"), published by the A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, renewed in 1993. 2 . Now readers are offered an overview of the issues of this magazine for 1998, 1999 and 2000, which were published in 2000-2001. "Skidny Svim" is published every six months. Most of its materials are published in Ukrainian, but there are a number of articles in Russian and English. In order to save space, the titles of articles are presented only in Russian translation with the journal number and pages indicated in parentheses. The Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is named after the outstanding scientist Agatangel Yefimovich Krymsky (1871-1942), who, along with a galaxy of other famous Orientalists, was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Skhidny svit". The first period of existence of this journal is described in the article by I. Chernikov "Skhidny svit" as the embodiment of the traditions and achievements of Ukrainian Oriental studies. To the history of the journal in 1927-1931" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 321-325). The author, in particular, notes that the journal was created as a printed organ of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Association of Oriental Studies under the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR (VUNAV), and 17 issues of it were published in 5 years. The total number of materials (articles, reports, reviews, translations, reviews, etc.) published during this period reached 411. Th ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.kg/m/articles/view/СХIДНИЙ-СBIT-THE-WORLD-OF-THE-ORIENT-1998-N-1-2-1999-N-1-2-2000-N-2
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
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СХIДНИЙ СBIT. THE WORLD OF THE ORIENT. 1998. N 1-2; 1999, N 1-2; 2000, N 2

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