Философия, религия, наука: модели осмысления
Svetlana Konacheva Philosophy, Religion, and Science: the Models of Understanding Svetlana Konacheva - Professor, Chair of Modern Problems of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities; Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia). konacheva@mail This article deals with the basic models of philosophical understanding of religion, those constitutive characteristics of it that determine its specificity in relation to other forms of human existence. The article outlines several approaches to the description of religion: Kantian, Hegelian, phenomenological, and analytical. The special character of religious thinking is defined by its participation in faith: religious thinking is like a meeting with an object of thought that reveals itself for the thought and thereby determines our thinking. The article also focuses on the role of metaphor in modern religious thought and shows that the metaphorical language of modern theology becomes an alternative to conceptual language. The author proposes a new methodology for dialogue between science and religion, which is based on the understanding of their fundamental otherness. The possibility of substantive dialogue is to explore the situation of human existence in the world. Keywords: philosophy, religion, science, dialogue, metaphysics, religious experience, religious statement. Коначева С. Философия, религия, наука: модели осмысления // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2015. N 1 (33). С. 51 - 75. Konacheva, S. (2015) "Philosophy, Religion, and Science: The Models of Understanding", Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 33 (1): 51 - 75. стр. 51Незрелый студент-богослов из Канады приехал ко мне сегодня утром и спросил, среди прочего, какое место разум занимает в моей теологии. Ответ: "Я использую его!" Карл Барт (письмо от 7.5.68) ПРОБЛЕМА соотношения религии и науки принадлежит дискурсу модерна, где религия мыслится как обособленная сфера жизни, отделен ... Читать далее

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Философия, религия, наука: модели осмысления

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