Keywords - libmonster

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a key component of global capital flows. Experience in attracting and using FDI shows that, with appropriate government policies, it is an important source of renewal of production and acceleration of economic growth. FDI
Точикистон Онлайн · 23 hours ago 0 16

Keywords: Rwanda, genocide, historical memory, international forums In 2014 Rwanda has celebrated an important historical milestone: the 20th anniversary of the Tutsi genocide (April 6-July 14, 1994). Traditionally, from April 7 to April 14, Rwanda hosted
Точикистон Онлайн · 24 hours ago 0 23

Keywords: South Africa, litvaki, photography, Nelson Mandela, Eli Weinberg The wave of emigration of Litvaks 1 to South Africa (now South Africa) began at the end of the 19th century, for several reasons. First, there were Jewish pogroms in Russia, and alt

Keywords: New Zealand, parliamentary elections, party, coalition, referendum, electoral system New Zealand is a small country (4.5 million people) as part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. Formally, it is h

Historical science in the USSR. Reviews. DIMITRI CANTEMIR. DESCRIPTION OF MOLDOVA Author: Chisinau. Kartya moldavenyaske Publishing House, 1973, 222 pages. Mintage 12,000. Price 49 kopecks. On October 26, 1973, the scientific community celebrated the 300t

80 years have passed since the formation of the first Workers ' (Social Democratic) party in Romania. The path she took was not easy and not always straight. The documents published in socialist Romania 1 show the complexity of the situation in the party,

Historical science in the USSR. Reviews: J. S. GROSUL, I. G. BUDAK. ESSAYS ON THE HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF BESSARABIA (1861-1905) Author: L. G. BESKROVNY, A. A. SHEVYAKOV Chisinau. "Kartya Moldovenyaskaia". 1972. 604 pp. The print run is 1000. P

Historical science in the USSR. Reviews "FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLLECTIVE FARM SYSTEM IN THE MOLDAVIAN SSR" Author: V. V. KABANOV Chisinau. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR. 1971. 372 p. The print run is 1000. Pr

In 1941, the ruling circles of bourgeois-landowner Romania, having sold the country's independence to Hitler's Germany, involved the Romanian people in a war of conquest against the USSR. At that time, the leading part of the Romanian people launched a str

The XXIV Congress of the CPSU emphasized the importance of solving the problem of " organically combining the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution with the advantages of the socialist economic system, and developing more widely the f
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