by Andrei BUDAROV, senior expert, Zelenograd Special Zone Administration, and Alexei LAVRENTYEV, correspondent of Zelenograd Segodnya newspaper This administrative district of Moscow with a population of 207 thousand is located to the north-west of the Russian capital, some 20 km away from the Ring Highway. Urban development of this area which bears a telling name of Zelenograd-literally "green town"- began in 1958 on the site of several old villages and the community of Kryukovo. Zelenograd was originally planned as one of Moscow's "sleeping bag" residential areas with just a few light industry factories. It was in 1962 that the authorities thought the site was good enough for an electronics research center. Like most such "science cities" of that time it was designed as a self-contained center incorporating all stages of R&D activities-from the development and production of the required "raws" to the building of microcircuits and sets of instruments and equipment. The project was a booming success right from the start with its gross output rising at a record annual rate of 25 percent. Within a relatively short span of time Zelenograd products conquered nearly the whole of the domestic market and even crossed the national frontiers. The leading R&D center of Zelenograd comprises the Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Electronics as well as the MICRON and ANGSTREM enterprises. The research institute has on its staffs Doctors and 48 Candidates of Sciences. Its products- advanced microchips-are used in local and telecommunications systems, computers and all sorts of radioelectronic equipment for commercial and military uses. Some of these electronics, for example, are incorporated into advanced Russian missiles like S-300, the famous TOPOL-M and so on. The latest "novelties" developed by the Center include basically new HF transistors and microcircuitry on the basis of page 36 nonconventional materials (including gallium arsenide (*)) and also ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
09.09.2018 (2109 days ago)
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