TOP PROBLEM EGYPTIAN CONSTITUTION: ISLAMIC "YES" TO SECULAR "NO" by A.M.Vasiliev, Academician, RAS, D.I.Vinitsky, staff correspondent in Cairo Keywords: Egypt, constitutional declaration, Mohammed Mursi, Muslim Brotherhood Two years after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in a revolution of January 25 Egypt remains to be an unpredictable country, recalling a raging volcano, or, rather, a battleground. "Muslim Brothers" are waging a brutal struggle on the political and economic fields. They are doing their best to win the right to govern the largest state of the Arab world, trying to prove to the world their consistency and moderation. However, they don't deny their goals which are not clear to the international community. POLICY. ECONOMY MONGOLIA. DEMOCRATS BACK IN POWER by M.I.Goleman, Dr.Sc. (History) Keywords: Mongolia, parliamentary elections, the Democratic Party, the Mongolian People's Party, new government In June 2012, elections to the State Great Hural took place in Mongolia. As a result of the split of the ruling Mongolian People's Party (BNP) it was defeated. After a break of many years the Democratic Party (DP) came into power. The first term of the Democrats in office in 1996 - 1999 was a failure. This time so far they are acting successfully. WOMEN'S POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN ASIA by A.A.SUVOROVA, Dr.Sc. (Philology) Keywords: Asia, charismatic leaders, women's gender role, political dynasties, inheritance of power There are not so many families whose lives have been most directly linked to the history of their countries - accept, of course, the royal dynasties. In contemporary history of Asia a unique role has been played by such influential clans as Nehru-Gandhi, Bhutto, Sukarno, Bandaranaike, Mujibur Rahman, Aquino and some others. For many years these clans were determining the political course of India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Philippines. SOUTH KOREAN TRILLION. SOME SOURCES AND CAUSES OF IMPRESSIVE ECONOMIC SUCCESS OF THE REP ... Read more

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