The Novosibirsk scientists develop new methods and instruments for optical diagnostics of processes in different branches of industry, on transport and in power engineering. Dmitry Markovich, deputy director in scientific work of the Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics, corresponding member of the RAS Siberian Branch told about the made progress to Firyuza Yanchilina, correspondent of the Poisk newspaper. He stressed that apart from his team the following research bodies took part in the said research headed by Vladimir Meledin, chief research assistant of the same institute, Oleg Potaturkin, deputy director in scientific work of the Institute of Automatics and Electrometry of the RAS Siberian Branch, Yuri Chuguy, director of the Technological Institute of Scientific Instrumentation of the RAS Siberian Branch (all Drs Sc. (Tech.)). Due to the instrumentation developed by them it has become possible to efficiently control multiphase and reactive flows of liquids and gases in scientific and industrial plants, parameters of cold- and hot-rolled mill products in metallurgy and even to monitor mounted wheels in railway transport on a real-time basis. What are the suggested design works in substance and what are their performance capabilities? Markovich explained: "Optical instruments which we are developing make use of electromagnetic emission in different wave ranges from infrared to ultraviolet and even X-ray for determination of the studied object parameters. стр. 27 The main physical principles are based on the scattering laws working on tracers either artificially brought into the flow or on natural ones. We managed to create tomographic measuring systems which enabled us to achieve high-precision spatial distribution of velocities and structures of liquid and gas flows. Image processing by the software-and-algorithmic complexes of digital tracer visualization requires enormous datasets and application of parallel computing technologies and ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/KOMPLEKS-AVERTS-ACCIDENTS
Точикистон Онлайн · 954 days ago 0 1517
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
21.11.2021 (954 days ago)
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