Georgy SITNYANSKY Senior Researcher Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences Ph. D (History) The dissolution of the USSR and the weakening of Russia's positions in Central Asia and Kazakhstan generated a growing influence of other states in this region, including the old superpower, the US, and a new superpower, China. Nevertheless, Russia, even though it has lost much of its past influence, does not only intend to stay in the region but has also started to fortify its positions here anew. All the three powers - Russia, the US and China - have rather long-standing historical traditions of penetrating in this region - to be precise, the US, acting as the center of a new great Anglo-Saxon empire, continues traditions of the British Empire in what regards India, longtime British interests in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. A certain historical continuity is also to be found in the sense that almost the entire 19th century (1815 - 1907) was a century of English- стр. 33 Russian rivalry - among other things, in Central Asia (Turkestan). Later, in 1918 - 1920, Britain once again tried to establish itself here, taking advantage of the revolutionary turmoil in Russia. Today, the US is trying to do the same. As for China, its tradition of expansion in this region is of an immeasurably longer standing than the Russian-Eurasian one, to say nothing of the British and Americans. As far back as the 1st century B. C. - 1st century A. D., China engaged in a wide-ranging expansion to Semirechye, and in 97 A. D. Chinese forces reached Merv (today's Mary in Turkmenistan). Chinese expansion intensified in the 18th century, when, following the wipeout of the Khanate of Dzungaria in 1755 - 1759, China extended its rule over to the Balkhash Lake, establishing control over a greater part of today's South-Eastern Kazakhstan and almost all North Kyrgyzstan. The Khanate of Kokand (in today's Fergana Valley) was also forced to pay tribute to China. There still exist ... Читать далее

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