Interview with Mr. Guy Ouellet, UNHCR Representative in Ukraine * * * In 2001 Ukraine approved The Law on Refugees. What are the strong and week sides of this document? "For the first time, the 2001 Law stipulates that family members of recognized refugees receive the right to arrive in Ukraine with the purpose of family reunion and to acquire refugee status. The Law also introduces a definition of separated children seeking for asylum and special procedure for their reception, accommodation, care, legal representation and tracing of family members. According to the Law, recognized refugees should be granted social and economic rights equal to Ukrainian nationals. Refugee status no longer needs to be extended every three months. Instead recognized refugees receive renewable certificates valid for one year as well as the right to also apply for Convention Travel Documents. The Law also secures the legal stay of asylum seekers in Ukraine during appeal procedures and improves the issuing of necessary documents and registration during all stages of the asylum process. стр. 49 "At the same time the Refugee Law also still contains several severe weaknesses, the most important of which are the application deadlines under its Art. 9 and the possibility to deprive recognized refugees of their status without a court decision under its Art. 15." According to the Law of Ukraine on Refugees, a person, who seeks refugee status, has to address Ukrainian authorities within three days. Is this time limit enough for solution of respective issues? "No, as I said before, these deadlines under Art. 9 of the Refugee Law need disaffirmation. According to this article all applications filed more than three days after illegal entry of the territory of Ukraine or five days after legal entry will be automatically refused any consideration. These stipulations putting refugees in undue danger are not in line with international law and practice and have by now-after more than one year o ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн · 909 days ago 0 1141
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