«Primary Ocean Music for Therapy” (МУЗЫКА ПЕРВИЧНОГО ОКЕАНА для терапии) Primary Ocean Music for Therapy" is a unique music for meditation and relaxation, SPA, self-healing, various psychological techniques of self-regulation and self-improvement. Combines in one sound track two complementary parts of the music-therapeutic composition. Scientific research in the Spa conditions showed that systematic listening to music by Irina Miroshnik in the process of medical rehabilitation, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy significantly increases the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation. To achieve the effect of deep relaxation and soft entry into a meditative state, it is recommended to listen to the recording in a cyclic procedure at least two times in a row. Listening to "Primary Ocean Music for Therapy" in a cyclic procedure provides a soft transition of the brain to the level of domination of alpha rhythms and has a beneficial effect on the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing. On this new single You will hear wonderful music for stress relief and relaxation. This unique healing music by Irina Miroshnik is distinguished by soft play of amphoteric harmony, which are organically combined with the natural sounds of the sea surf. Creating a unique sound atmosphere "Primary Ocean Music for Therapy" takes the listener into a state of harmony with the water element of the primary world Ocean, which has a magical life-giving force. "Primary Ocean Music for Therapy " by Irina Miroshnik is a wonderful background music for deep relaxation, meditation, healthy sleep, stress relief, restoration of the energy balance of the body and vitality, as well as magical journeys in the mental, spiritual world. Listening to the new single "Primary Ocean Music for Therapy" naturally harmonizes human brain processes at the level of alpha rhythms without using any artificial influences such as binaural beats or subthreshold signals. "Primary Ocean Music" by Irina Miroshn ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: http://libmonster.ru/m/articles/view/МУЗЫКА-ПЕРВИЧНОГО-ОКЕАНА-для-терапии
Точикистон Онлайн · 2354 days ago 0 3064
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
08.09.2018 (2354 days ago)
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