A. M. VASILIEV Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences D. I. VINITSKY Our sobkor in Egypt Keywords: Egypt, June 30 revolution, Mohammed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi June 30, 2013... This is a new date in the history of Egypt, which will soon appear in textbooks as an example of an attempt to overcome the division of Egyptian society, to combine mass demonstrations of one half of it with the use of military force to avoid civil war. At the same time, this day will be another eloquent evidence of how much the choice of a political regime is linked to the position and actions of the armed forces. Once again, as during the revolutionary events of January-February 2011, the role of the army as an element of the state structure in the Pyramid Country was not limited to the professional framework. Egypt's Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi explained its actions to oust President Mohamed Morsi in his first speech since the June 30 revolution: "The Egyptian armed forces, as a whole, including all military personnel and commanders, did not hesitate to remain in the service of the people and support their free will." so that he can choose what is best for him, as his will reflects his collective intelligence and wisdom... The Egyptian economy, due to (political) ambition, mismanagement, and unwillingness to recognize the right of future generations, has reached a risky point of destruction... Social standards and living conditions of the majority of the population have fallen catastrophically, accelerating the growth of social tension, which was repeatedly multiplied by weak political and economic forecasting, lack of governance, and incorrect decisions, while reform attempts for various reasons did not bring visible success. The intellectual and cultural levels that have long made Egypt a model for the whole world, the country's influence and status in the region have weakened, affecting the role of the Egyptian state in the international communit ... Read more

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Полная версия: https://libmonster.com/m/articles/view/A-NEW-ROUND-OF-THE-EGYPTIAN-REVOLUTION
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
02.11.2023 (461 дней(я) назад)
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