The 75th anniversary of academic science has been celebrated in the Far East this year. The first research institution in the region was a meteorological station founded in 1912. Today the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has six scientific centers, 31 institutes, 2,543 employees (including 34 academicians, 344 Doctors of Sciences and 1,172 Candidates of Sciences). The Branch also has three reserves, forty stations and nine research vessels with an unlimited navigation area. For the last years scientists of the RAS Far-Eastern Branch have achieved results of universal importance, primarily in the field of mechanics, theory of management processes, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, volcanology, oceanology, geography, etc. At the present time 64 promising projects are being implemented there. Scientists of the Far East have arranged close cooperation with the RAS SB and RAS UB, work with partners from Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Belgium, USA, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Mongolia, India and other countries. Geosciences are of utmost importance in the region. Thus, for the last 70 years, a lot of interesting discoveries have been made by scientists of the Kamchatka Volcanological Station. RAS FEB Pacific Oceanological Institute named after V. Ilyichev has been effectively operating there: specialists of this institute compiled a geological map of the Pacific Ocean bed; explored synoptical vortexes, their role in the interchange of heat and mass; scientists have designed and use a laser lidar to carry out remote probing of sea areas of water based on the effect of forced and combination dispersion; to perform atmospheric-optical and hydrooptical measurements; for years a laser default-mometer created by local specialists in acoustics has been in operation there. A vast territory from the south of Primorye to the north-eastern part of Chukotka is occupied by biological stations, permane ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
26.09.2018 (2131 дней(я) назад)
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