by Andrei BOGDANOV, Dr. Sc. (Hist.), RAS Institute of Russian History, Moscow, Russia Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky ("Alexander of the Neva"), who lived in the thirteenth century, is No. 1 in the top list of men who have made Russian history. Such is the result of a nation-wide poll taken in 2008 by the TV channel "Russia" and the "Public Opinion" Fund. This great man was consecrated as a saint soon after his demise. Prince Alexander Nevsky epitomizes the self-identity of the nation and its ideals of justice. His image is still our people's lodestar. Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263), though a famous warrior, did not see diehard bitter-enders in his enemies with whom he had to cross swords, for he deemed he could live with them in peace and love in the end. Halting Teutonic crusaders marching from the west, he made peace with the стр. 50 Batu Khan ravaging Ryazan. A miniature from an illustrated 16th-century chronicle. Batu Khan seizing the town of Vladimir. A miniature from an illustrated 16th-century chronicle. Mongol tribes advancing from the east: while the crusaders were implacable and urged absolute submission, the Mongolians were tolerant of other peoples' customs and creeds—what they wanted was political obedience only. Alexander's Russ had no other choice then. ALEXANDER'S ROOTS AND BRANCHES Historical records have but little to say about our hero and his acts—just about ten pages of chronicles in all, not more. What we know is that Alexander was a second son to Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Pereyaslavl, which was part of the Grand Principality of Vladimir*. Other lands of this principality were in the hands of so many apanage princes. When at peace, this jumble of apanage principalities was a major political force in Russia's northeast. North of the Vladimir Principality were the lands of the mercantile Republic of Great Novgorod**; Smolensk and adjacent territories as well ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Таджикистан
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