Historical source In recent years, the appeal to the historical memory of its people has become particularly important in Buryatia against the background of the growth of national consciousness. The introduction of the Buryat chronicles into scientific circulation is of great importance. Thus, the Buryat historical chronicles written in the Old Mongolian script, published after a long period of oblivion in modern Buryat and Russian, caused a response among the public of the republic: "Buryaadai Tuuhe besheguud" ("Buryat Historical Chronicles") and"Buryat Chronicles". They are valuable historical and literary monuments of the XVII-XIX centuries, containing rich material on the history, everyday life, traditional culture and beliefs of Buryats living in the Baikal region. This article will focus on the chronicles of the Khorinsky Buryats. Currently, the Khorinsky Buryats live most compactly in Transbaikalia: in the Republic of Buryatia and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District. The chronicle of Tugultur Toboev " Qor kiged ayuyin buriyad-nar-un urida-dayan boluysan anu "("On how the Khorin and Agin Buryats were formed in the past") was written in 1863 [LKHB, issue 1,1935]. The Old Mongolian text of the work was first published by N. N. Poppe with comments and notes in 1935 in the first issue of "Chronicles of the Khorinsky Buryats". N. N. Poppe also translated this chronicle into Russian, which was published in 1940. The author of the chronicle is an Aginsky Buryat, a representative of the Eastern Huatsai family (subgenus togtor huatsai ) Tugultur Toboev, who held the position of taishi. According to the local historian from the village of Tsagan-Ol (Sagaan-Uula) B-N. Lkhamazhapova, T. Toboev was born in the locality of Ihe-Byrka near the village of Tsagan-Ol (Buryaad Unen, 1993). His ancestor is a certain Khabanshi, who arrived from Mongolia and served in 1705 as a guide for the colonel of the Russian army P. S. Skripitsyn, who was in Siberia for exploration and sur ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
01.07.2024 (93 дней(я) назад)
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