Buckners belated birthday celebration begins with Colts
DeForest Buckner found out the day before his 26th birthday he was being traded to Indianapolis https://www.coltsgoodsstore.com/18-Colts_Anthony_Castonzo_Jersey.He celebrated the day after by becoming the second-highest paid defensive tackle in the NFL.Buckner couldnt imagine a better or more fitting honor, joining by a team that wanted him badly enough it dealt away a first-round draft pick to get him. Im just excited to show everyone what I can bring to the table, he said on a conference call Wednesday. After talking to my agent and seeing how he thinks Im a key piece to what theyre trying to build https://www.coltsgoodsstore.com/179-Colts_Tj_Carrie_Jersey, as a player thats what you want to hear.The Colts not only sent the No. 13 overall pick in next months draft to San Francisco, they turned around and signed the 6-foot-7, 295-pound Buckner to a four-year contract worth $84 million.It shouldnt come as a surprise.From the moment Ballard took the Colts job, hes continually worked on upgrading the defensive line. He talked about it again in January after explaining Indy needed a stronger interior pass rush, just days after finishing a 7-9 season as Indy missed the playoffs for the fourth time in five years.Buckner looks like the perfect fit.He followed a career year in 2018 of 12 sacks and an All-Pro selection with 7 1 2 sacks and was voted the team MVP on last seasons NFC champions. He also gives Indy a run-stuffing tackle who can keep offensive linemen from getting to linebackers.Plus, his pass-rushing skills should help defensive tackle Denico Autry return to his 2018 form when he had nine sacks, and could help draw enough blockers to help defensive ends Justin Houston and Kemoko Turay provide outside pressure on quarterbacks.DeForest is a premier defensive tackle in this league and were thrilled to add him to our roster, Ballard said in a statement issued by the team. Adding a player of his caliber demonstrates the importance and commitment of building a strong ... Read more

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Buckners belated birthday celebration begins with Colts

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