Monograph of Doctor of Historical Sciences T. L. Deitch "China" conquers "Africa", published by the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 2014 / ed. by V. G. Shubin/. 382 p.), is the first comprehensive study in Russian science of the phenomenon of Chinese economic expansion and political influence on the African continent.
Indeed, in the twenty-first century, the world has witnessed unprecedented success for China in both economic development and international affairs. At the same time, as the author rightly notes, "the country has not only energetically integrated itself into world economic relations, but also pushes Western powers out of their traditional spheres of influence, and successfully competes with them in the struggle for natural resources and political influence in the world" (p.7).
It is no coincidence that Africa is in Beijing's sphere of interest. First of all, this is due to the PRC's interest in hydrocarbon and mineral raw materials necessary for the growth of the Chinese economy. The desire to gain access to raw materials sources, find areas for investment and markets for booming industry are the main motives of Chinese economic expansion. Meanwhile, the author emphasizes that China's increased attention to Africa is due not only to the role of the continent's resource potential, but also to the growing political influence of the region in the modern world.
Considering the process of China's transition from discredited forms and methods of "barrack communism" to a multi-layered, "open" economy, T. L. Deutsch makes an important conclusion that openness to the outside world set the task of economic globalization, which was expressed in stimulating investment processes abroad, moving production capacities abroad, and creating transnational corporations with Chinese participation.
Reforms also began in the sphere of foreign policy, the main principles of which were: non-entry into any alliances, protection of world peace, st ...
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