story As modern technology and technology evolve, we become more and more fat, lazy, and try not to give ourselves any worries. When I was still a child, my father would carry grapes from Qarabag to Kabul in a basket on his back in the early morning, and after selling them, he would return home in the evening. And all on foot. Now there are more cars in Kabul than there are bedbugs in the old city. Sometimes, when you want to get from Maiwand Avenue to Pashtunistan Square, you stand on Maiwand for half an hour waiting for the city bus. Then, swinging on the running board like a carry-on bag, you will pass by Jadi, the Pamir Cinema, the Shahi Dushamshir Mosque, Timur Shah Street and the Pul Buggy Omumi Bridge, and in an hour and a half you will finally reach Pashtunistan Square. While the path from Maiwand Avenue to Pashtunistan Square is slightly longer than the Puli Hishti Bridge. If you walk from Maiwand through the center, you will find yourself in Pashtunistan Square in two minutes, saving you fifty-eight minutes of your precious time. You will also keep your bus fare in your pocket, and even your wallet intact from the clever hands of crooks-masters of talking your teeth. Things are bad in the house if it is called a desert. Now we need to tell everything in order. What should I hide? Since the mother of my children borrowed a washing machine, laziness in our house has grown to an incredible extent. My wife even started washing carrots and turnips in the washing machine. One spring, she threw mud-smeared boots in there and broke the car. How glad I was that the car broke down! But I wasn't happy for long! My dirty collars almost dug into my neck, and I was forced to repair the car myself and put my wife out of her misery. And when I tell you the story that happened to Yardil's counting machine last month, the above story will seem one hundred percent true. The official Yardil was engaged in settlement operations in our office. His job was to calculate salar ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
26.06.2023 (609 дней(я) назад)
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