On November 20, 1984, the State Public Historical Library of the RSFSR hosted the second readers 'conference to discuss books in the series "History of the Soviet Working Class": "The Working Class in the October Revolution and defending its Gains. 1917-1920" and " The working class is a leading force in the construction of a socialist society. 1921-1937 " (vol. 1,2. Moscow Nauka. 1984) The first conference on this issue was held in 1983. The following books were considered: "The Working Class of Russia from the birth to the beginning of the XX century"; "The Working Class in the first Russian Revolution of 1905-1907"; " The Working Class of Russia. 1907-February 1917 " 1 . The second conference was opened by the Deputy Director of SPIB M. K. Starokadomskaya. Deputy. Editor-in-chief of the series, A.V. Mitrofanova, in her opening speech, spoke about the tasks of the publication, which will be presented in 6 volumes, and the difficulties that the author's team faced. Speaking at the conference, representatives of Moscow University and other universities of the country, the Institute of Sociological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Council on Problems of Socialist Competition of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the All-Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the magazine "Soviet Trade Unions", museum workers, teachers, graduate students, workers of the plant "Hammer and Sickle" and depot "Moscow-Sortirovochnaya" spoke about the relevance of the publication, the richness and novelty of the factual material, the depth of generalizations, the high scientific level of the reference apparatus, and the successful selection of illustrations.
M. R. Zezina noted the value of the publication for teachers of higher education and expressed a wish that in the next volumes more attention should be paid to the question of the union of the working class and the intelligentsia, which is less developed than the question of the union of the working cla ...
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