By Vasyl Shcherbak, Political Scientist * * * Mahathir bin Mohamad: a few touches to the political portrait "During 22 years of premiership he created himself a global image of one of the most frank-and serious-governmental leaders of our time. " 1 When the famous Ukrainian anthropologist Micluho-Maklai explored the aborigines of the Moluccas in 1875-1876, he represented the developed and rich European civilization, and aborigines were miserable savages. When Asiatic leader Premiere Mahathir visited Ukraine in 2003, he already represented the high tech and rich state, the per capita GDP in which made $10,300 2 , while in raw-materials-oriented Ukraine the same index made only $860 3 . Malaysia produces microprocessors, compact disks, cars... Doctor M (this is a respectfull and unceremonious name given to the Malaysian premier by peoplein a spoken language) as an amateur of modern information technologies promotes the economy of knowledge, innovative business and Islamic banking (an effective form of venture business: repaid interest-free loans plus bond premium). As of 1999 he is the monthly political columnist of the Japanese Mainichi Shimbun Daily writing "Doctor Mahathir: Global Analysis". Big doctor's glasses- chameleons are inalienable features of his image. стр. 75 * * * Mahathir bin Mohamad is a very influential and uncommon politician. In 1981 he became the fourth prime minister of Malaysia, and in October 2003 he sent in his resignation. However this retirement does not mean political nonexistence. By the way, there is good reason to believe that-like China and Singapore-Malaysia develops a new mechanism of political inheritance, the Malaysian one. Two years ago in this open address to 2,300 delegates of the ruling party Doctor M criticized his fellow party members for the sluggish development of entrepreneurship. And then all of a sudden, in the spirit of father which assumes the guilt of his children, the 75-year- old patriarch with 21-year exp ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Таджикистан
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