Compiled by G. D. Sanzheev, M. N. Orlovskaya, and Z. V. Shevernina. Science. Edited by L. R. Kontsevich, V. I. Rassadin, and Ya. D. Lehman. In 3 vols. Vol. 1 (A-E). Moscow: IV RAS, 2015. 224 p. If we assume that the Dictionary was completed in 1973, then its path to the reader turned out to be very long. M. N. Orlovskaya (1926-2016) and Z. V. Shevernina (1928-2002) re-corrected and supplemented the Dictionary in 1996. According to M. N. Orlovskaya, she included in it all the latest materials for that time, including those from the published works of B. Kh. Todaeva (1915-2015). At the beginning of 2000, in order to process all the materials for publication, the work on the Dictionary was transferred to a student of G. D. Sanzheev (1902-1982), a Korean scholar and philologist L. R. Kontsevich. L. R. Kontsevich developed the structure of the dictionary entry, developed methods for constructing dictionaries and dictionary entries, which are reflected in the structural and microstructural parts of the main body of the Dictionary (p. 5-7). Then the Dictionary was handed over to the publishing house "Vostochnaya Literatura", where about half of the original file was entered by computer. The printout of the files was sent by the publishing house for editing to a major specialist in Turkic and Mongolian languages, Professor V. I. Rassadin (IMBT SB RAS, Ulan-Ude), who performed partial verification of them, and in some cases supplemented them with his own data on Chinese, Persian and other parallels. However, the publishing house was not able to carry out the publication for financial reasons, as there were no funds to pay for such a complex and lengthy work. The dictionary, preserved for many years, containing a unique rich material, remained inaccessible to specialists. Thus, the Finno-Ugric scholar V. V. Ponaryadov complained that "there is no manual on the Proto-Mongolian vocabulary" [Ponaryadov, 2011]; S. Starostin, A. Dybo, O. Mudrak could not use the valuable data of t ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Таджикистан
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