Setting up protectorate Russian Federation empires over Bukhara Region by an emirate and Khiva District khanate created it wide ones opportunities for extensions activities Russian companies entrepreneurs in Average Asia. Numerous legal issues acts formed favorable conditions conditions for keeping records by them cases in Bukhara and Khiva, by allowing russian to merchants turn into in quite preferred use social class in these states. However diversity sources rights, absence unified information system legal department politicians Of Russia and Central Asian countries khanates in trading platform area of interest brought them to occurrence of numerous disputes between by Russian companies by merchants and their by local users partners, conflicts with by the authorities and etc.
words: Keywords Bukhara Emirate, Khiva Khanate, Russian Empire, Russian protectorate, merchants, trade relations, regulations, legal policy in the trade sphere.
The specifics of relations between the Russian Empire and the Bukhara Emirate and the Khiva Khanate in 1873-1917, which were actually Russian protectorates during this period, was that there was no legal basis for regulating their status. The only legal documents that defined Russia's relations with the Central Asian khanates were the "friendship treaties" concluded with local monarchs by the Turkestan Governor-General K. P. von Kaufmann: the Gandemian Treaty of August 12, 1873 with the Khan of Khiva Muhammad-Rahim II (1864-1910) and the Shaar Treaty of September 28, 1873 with the Emir of Bukhara Seyid Muzaffar (1860-1885). At the same time, most of the terms of the agreements were devoted to trade relations between Russia and the khanates and, accordingly, the rights and benefits of Russian merchants in Bukhara and Khiva. On the one hand, such content of the treaties should have veiled the establishment of a Russian protectorate over the khanates of Central Asia in order to avoid further aggravation of relations with Great Britain ( ...
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