GEOARCHAEOLOGIST VIKTOR VLADIMIROVICH ZAIKOV Author: N. L. Dobretsov, V. N. Anfilogov, A.D. Tairov, A.M. Yuminov, N. A. Kulik 2013 marks the 75th anniversary of a prominent scientist and teacher, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Viktor Vladimirovich Zaikov. He is known for his works on geoarchaeological topics, in which he gave a detailed description of the ancient mines of the Urals, Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia, identified the raw material base of the ancient metallurgy of the region, and established mineralogical criteria for determining the sources of copper and gold ores based on the study of microinclusions in slags and metals. Viktor Vladimirovich Zaikov was born on May 3, 1938 in Vladivostok. After graduating from high school in Ukraine, he entered the Donetsk Industrial Institute and received the qualification of "mining engineer-geologist". In the period 1960 - 1980 he worked in production and research organizations in Siberia. The main activity of V. V. Zaykov was geological mapping and search for mineral deposits in ore-bearing complexes, which are associated with ancient copper mines. They discovered deposits of rock salt and gold. On the area of work carried out under Viktor Vladimirovich's supervision, there were archaeological sites of Tuva - the tsar's Arzhan mound, the Kyzyk-Chadr mine, and ancient mine workings in the Chirgaki River basin-which attracted his attention as a geologist. Based on the materials obtained during this period, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences in 1974 at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The next stage of the hero's activity is connected with the Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1975, the Tuvan Economic Laboratory of this Institute was organized, supervised by academicians A. B. Agan ... Читать далее

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